Friday, September 22, 2006

this notecard contains a link

According to the Wiki (well, the mirror of the wiki) there is a limit of 255 characters in way LSL reads lines of text from notecards.

When the blogHUD reads the notecard, line by line it will stop at 255 characters. So one way to avoid this is to use paragraphs.

Doing two carriage returns in your notecard, to look like a paragraph will be reflected as such in the post.

So, you see that this notecard is longer than 255 chars in total, BUT each line (or para) itself is shorter.

Also, according to the wiki here there is nothing we can do about it.

So, what I will do is roll in a warning if you happen to go over the 255 mark, so you can fix it beofre posting.

Not much else I can do at this point, I'm afraid.

Cheers! And HAPPY HUDslingin'!

posted by Koz Farina on Nooribeom using a blogHUD : [permalink]


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